
Graduation Date

Thesis Title

Current Location

Dan Lavin

Genetics Institute

Sankar Sen

M.S. Chm. Eng. May 89

Hybridoma Cell Growth and Antibody Production in Batch Suspension Culture: A Flow Cytometric Study

Wharton Ph.D. Marketing  Teaching in Business School at Temple University

Nancy Hunkeler

M.S. Chm. Eng. Oct. 90

Flow Cytometric Analysis of Antibody Producing and Non-Producing Hybridomas

Shell Oil Co.

Prof. Dave Block

Ph.D. Chm. Eng. May 92

Investigation of Host-Vector Interactions Using Polyploid Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Assoc. Prof. Dept. of Viticulture & Enology, U.C. Davis

Dr. Liang Schweitzer

M.S. Microbial Eng.Sept. 92

Cytokinin Effects on Developing Maize Endosperm Growth and DNA Endoreduplication

Bristol Meyers Squibb

Dr. Phil Eitzman

Ph.D. Chm. Eng. Nov. 93

Analysis of Protein Accumulation in Populations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae


Dr. Christos Hatzis

Ph.D. Chm. Eng. Apr. 93

Flow Cytometry and Modeling Studies of Filter Feeding and Growth in Populations of Ciliated Protozoa

Nuvera Biosciences

Dr. Sandra Henry

Ph.D. Chm. Eng. Nov. 93

The Kinetics of Monoclonal Antibody and Protein Accumulation in Mouse Hybridoma Cells: A Flow Cytometric Study


Dr. Pamela Joan Sweeney

Ph.D. Chm. Eng. Mar. 94

Experimental and Modeling Studies of the Cell Cycle and Growth of the Ciliated Tetrahymena pyriformis

Aberdeen Proving Grounds U.S. Army

Dr. Bruce Dien

Ph. D. Chm. Eng. May 94

Aspects of Cell Division Cycle Related Behavior of Saccharomyces cerevisiae


Arvind Natarajan

M.S. Microbial Eng. Feb. 96

Monitoring Cellular Growth Response to Changing Environmental Conditions


Shyam Subramanian

M.S. Microbial Eng. Sept. 96

Monitoring and Modeling the Dynamics of Gene Expression Using the Green Fluorescent Protein


Dr. Dan Jackson

Ph.D. Chm.Eng. Dec. 98

Characterization and Manipulation of Polyhydroxyalkanoate Metabolism in Alcaligenes eutrophus


Dr. Jia-Jer Liou

Ph.D. Chm. Eng. Dec. 96

Solutions of Population Balance Equations for Growing Tetrahymena pyriformis Using a Successive Generations Approach

Returned to Taiwan to pursue an Academic position

Rui Zhao

M.S. Microbial Eng. Dec. 97

The Design of a Flow Injection Flow Cytometry System for On-line Assessment of Single-cell Level Property Distributions in Cell Populations

Pursuing Ph.D. in Chem. Eng.  University of Minnesota

Dr. J.J. Hahn

Ph.D. Chm. Eng. Feb. 98

Introduction and Characterization of the Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) Biosynthetic Pathway in Plant Cell Cultures


Kurt Jackson

M.S. Microbial Eng. Feb. 98

Recombinant Modulation of the phbCAB Operon Copy Number in Ralstonia eutropha and Modification of the Precursor Selectivity of the Pseudomonas oleovorans Polymerase I


Dr. Tim Leaf

Ph.D. Chm. Eng. Jul-98

Engineering Yeast for Polyhydroxybutyrate Production

Kosan Biosciences

Dr. Arvind Natarajan

Ph.D. Chm. Eng. September 99

Determination of Physiological State Parameters of Growing Cell Population


Dr. Scott Frykman

Ph.D. Chm. Eng. September 99

Single Cell Secretion Dynamics of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae


Dr. Nikolaos V. Mantzaris

Ph.D. Chm. Eng. September 99

Cell Growth Dynamics and Control Based on Cell Population Balance Models

Associate Professor, RICE University, Houston, Texas

Brian Rush

M.S. Microbial Engineering

Flow-cytometric Analysis of an E.coli Protein Production Process


Dr. Anant Patkar

Post Doctoral Associate


Dow Chemical Company

Frank Volkers

M.S. Chemical Engineering

Total protein expression in the G1 cell cycle phase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae  

General Mills

Dr. Aaron Kelley

Ph.D. ChmEng

Controlling Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) Polymer Microstructures Synthesized by Ralstonia eutropha


Jessica West

M.S. Chem Eng '02

Characterization of uptake pathways and inhibition mechanisms for the fluorescent glucose analog 2-NBDG in Escherichia coli

Dr. Nicholas Abu-Absi

Ph.D. ChmEng

Analysis of Physiological State Parameters in Animal Cell Cultures

Bristol-Myers Squibb

Dr. Abdelqader Zamamiri

Post Doctoral Associate


Abbott Labs

Dr. Ross Carlson

Ph.D. ChmEng / Post Doctoral Associate

Metabolic Pathway Analysis and Engineering of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Organisms

Assistant Professor, Montana State University Bozeman

Dr. Natarajan Vijayasankaran

Ph.D. ChmEng Jan 2005

Optimizing Microbial Productivity Through Experimental and Theoretical Tools


Dr. Erik Pederson

Ph.D. Materials Science Feb 2005

Microstructure Synthesis Control of Biological Polyhydroxyalkanoates with Mass Spectrometry

General Mills

Dr. Bo Zhang

Ph.D. Chm Eng Feb 2005

Engineering Polyhydroxyalkanoates in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae


Dr. James A Kacmar

Ph.D. Chm Eng May 2005

Development and Applications of Automated Flow Cytometry


Dr. Aaron P. Wlaschin

Ph.D. Chm Eng Jan 2006

Metabolic modeling and experimental analysis of transgenic Escherichia coli metabolism

General Mills

Ann Hansgate

M.S. Chm Eng Jun 2006

Automated Flow Cytometry for Monitoring and Control of Escherichia coli cultures


Dr. Zhigang Zhang

PhD Chem Eng 2007

Phenotypical genomics of bacteria Escherichia coli


Janelle Cockrell

MS Chem Eng 2008

Integrative Vectors for Stable Expression of Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) genes in Yeast

Nova-Tech Engineering, LLC

Dr. Dipen Sangurdekar

MS Microbial Engineering 2006, PhD Chem Eng 2008

Transcriptional Control of Amino acid and Nucleotide metabolism in Escherichia coli

Postdoctoral Associate at Princeton University

Dr. Cong Trinh

PhD Chem Eng 2008

Inverse Metabolic Engineering:Rational Approach for Efficient and Robust Microorganism Development

Postdoctoral Associate at University of California, Berkeley

Dr. Alan Gilbert

PhD Chem Eng 2008

Improving Biotechnological Processes Through Automated Flow Cytometry

Mascoma Corporation